Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wilderness Lessons Part 3 of 4


Faith is the goal we were all trying to accomplish in this whole experience. Other than defeating our fears we wanted to grow our faith. Faith in each other, faith in our walk with the Lord and a faith that no matter what, we could overcome our fears. Needless to say the faith of everyone who went was stretched and grew tremendously.

What is it about being suspended about 50 ft. in the air for the first time at an unfamiliar place that teaches you how to put your trust in God?

Perhaps the thought of knowing you have a harness helps, but is that enough to become vulnerable enough to give over all of your faith?

Look at this powerful scripture that wasn't shared with the group but something I found that I wish could have been shared.

But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."

Jesus tells Simon Peter that he has been praying for him that his faith doesn't fail and not only that but that when he goes back he will be able to strengthen the faith of his brothers as well. Peter's own faith gets stronger and as a result Jesus wants him to use it to spread it around among his brother's.

This is much like what happened on the wilderness trip! Our fellow students and leaders showed great displays of faith in the obstacles and just being out of the "known" and in turn that fueled the confidence of some who had their doubts. It was just enough to give someone that little boost of faith that would carry them to do hard things!

Andrew shared a great campfire devotional with us one night. He coined a term called "FOF". Which means "Fear over Faith". Now before you think, "isn't it supposed to be "Faith over Fear" I want you to ask yourself this question... Is that really the way you see it?

Can you really say that in every situation you have more faith than fear?

Andrew made it really clear to us that we've got to reverse the way we see it. Placing the Faith before the Fear.

What area's in your life do you let faith shrink?

Do you have a game plan for growing your faith?

Are you using your faith to strengthen your brothers?

Are you putting "Faith over Fear"?

1 comment:

  1. That verse is AWESOME!!! And you're right - its strengthing your brothers afterwards! Elizabeth just making it UP the tree - even thought that's as far as she got - inspired me to try! I thought, If I dont get any further than that - thats OK - but just her act of faith pushed me!

    And wasn't it awesome that a Jr. High kiddo taught all the leaders something!!
    Great post!
