Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wilderness Lessons Part 2 of 4


Perhaps the biggest and most noticeable thing about the entire wilderness experience was fear. It was everywhere. Mostly in the obstacles we had to perform but also in the unknown of the wilderness itself.

2 Timothy 1:7 was the recurring scripture for the entire weekend and numerous times we could hear some of the students and leaders repeating this scripture out loud as they were trying to tackle the various obstacles. Like these...

(The giant swing and it's height)

( The "team walk")

(Brittany conquering the rock wall that was used as a prop in the movie cliff hanger.)

As you can see from the pictures above we were exposed to many opportunities where fear could have easily overcame us. And it probably would have if not for reciting 2 Timothy 1:7 over and over again.

What is it about fear that paralyzes us?

Why do we allow it to take hold of us in such a way as to stop us dead in our tracks?

Do we really have so much respect for the unknown that we allow it to drown out our respect for faith in a big God and all his promises?

If anything good can be said about fear maybe it is just the fact that it allows us to see just how much faith and trust we are placing in God and where we need to grow.

There were two really big points that came out of a lesson I did on fear the first night. The lesson centered around the story of David and Goliath and demonstrated how fear crippled the Israelites and how David didn't allow it to come between him and his respect for God. The story can be found in 1 Samuel 17.

1.) Fear and Risks are scary

2.) Risks can be opportunities

Both of these illustrations are demonstrated well in the example we have of David and Goliath.

So what is it about fear that keeps you from fully giving everything over to God?

How does fear keep you from seeing the opportunities in front of you?

Does your fear conquer your faith?

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