The results
- Intimate time with God, (50% with 6 votes) was voted as being the area that most people feel they need to improve on. This drives home the fact that the majority of us are either too busy or just don't realize the importance of spending time with God. As I stated in my sermon, we've become a world that seeks fulfillment outside of God. And as long as this continues to happen the polls will continue to look this way.
What can you change today about the way you see your relationship with God and how much time you spend with Him? - Prayer time, (16% with 2 votes) was voted next in a three way tie with Bible Study and Evangelism. Our prayer time is our time to communicate with the Lord and 16% of the people who took this poll felt that their communication with God could improve. I've often said that the first thing the enemy wants to do in a war is break down the lines of communication so that the orders and strategies from the Generals can no longer be received, thus making it easier to be outflanked and overthrown. When we allow our communication with God to become broken down Satan has easier access and ability to overthrow and defeat us. Our prayer time with God is a vital part of winning the spiritual battle that we face daily.
What can you do to improve your lines of communication with God?
The commander in chief wants to help. Are you able to communicate with him? - Bible Study, (16% with 2 votes) is included in the three-way-tie. Bible Study is one of the most essential growing tools a Christian can utilize in their walk with the Lord. This is the area where we can learn just how deep God's love for us is and what a true love letter looks like. It matures us in ways that other things can't. Not only do we read what God wants to say to us but it is also a means of communication that God uses to talk to us. Without Bible study we take away one of the resources God uses in order to speak to us.
Are you studying the Bible and hearing from God or do you think that prayer alone is good enough? - Evangelism, (16% with 2 votes) I wasn't too surprised to see that evangelism tied along with Bible study and prayer time. A lot of folks today don't see the importance of this area in our Christian walk and thus when polls like this are conducted we see results such as this. This is probably one of the biggest areas that most Christians could improve on and yet for some reason it keeps getting put on the back burner. Until we realize the significance of evangelism I think we can expect to keep seeing results like this. But we must also consider the fact that if other area's in our Christian walk, such as those listed above, are lacking then it would of course be difficult for one to do this.
What other areas in your walk need to improve to better equip you for evangelism?
How can you reach out to your friends, neighbors, co-workers or family members and bring the gospel to them?
Please give feedback as to how you feel the first poll and results went and what you would like to see polled in the future. The new poll will be put up tomorrow.
Thanks to all who participated!
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