Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Finally I'm starting to put things together and learn what I think God is trying to teach me through all these trials and difficulties. One single word I think describes it best is Perseverance.

By clicking on the word you can see what the dictionary defines it as but note that the number two definition is neat because it is Christian related. Even in the dictionary you find that it is a spiritual word.

Perseverance is a word that I knew but haven't really experienced before. At least not in the way that I've been experiencing it lately. It is a word that I've grown to respect because it is what I think the Lord is truly trying to teach me. I think God has been testing my faith in order to develop within me something that I didn't have. According to James 1:3 the testing of our faith develops perseverance.

But why do we need perseverance? I found myself asking this question too just because sometimes I am stubborn and don't realize that God is trying to teach me and develop me into a better spiritual being. The answer to that question is found in James 1:4 where it states that it is necessary so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Wow! So that lead me to ask myself just how much am I lacking? Evidently I'm not in the spiritual shape that I thought I was. Not to get down on myself or anything but just to recognize that God is working within me. I guess you could say it is part of that process that the Bible describes as "refining". The striping away of the impurities and unwanted parts that make up who I am in order to develop a more pure spirit.

According to 2 Peter 1:6 this process of perseverance is what leads to knowledge, self-control and then eventually to godliness. Wow, wait a minute! I didn't realize that the process of perseverance was such a beneficial thing. Not until I read these scriptures anyway. So I guess that all this time that I've been suffering through trials and difficulty it was really God's perfect plan for me. A plan in which I would benefit more from it than lose. That is now since I realize what it truly is. I could have kept going on and on feeling sorry for myself and not learning what the Lord was trying to teach me but thankfully I was prompted to read my Bible last night and find what the Lord has been doing through me.

Have you been going through a time of trial and difficulty? If so, have you persevered?


  1. Joe... I am always so amazed by your maturity and I am thrilled by your desire to look to the Lord for answers in your life's struggles. I am so glad that Mickey and I are getting to know you better, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for you!

  2. I love the definition says...."Leading to eternal salvation" - Enough said for me!

    Its like I wrote about when we are being "sifted" - through all these things that we persevere through - God KNOWS we're going to get through them - its what we learn on the other side of it all! Its not fun - its not easy - but we come out of things so much closer to God - don't we!? God is so amazing like that!

    I love that we can always learn more about God & our relationship with Him through Trials! Keep growing closer to God Joe - I know you are!

  3. It's funny that you mentioned the word "refined," because I have another word for you from scripture along with a really cool illustration. I'll tell you the next time I see you! Remind me.
