Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Moses, Jesus, and Us!

As I've been running tech for our VBS program at GCC, I've been able to do a lot of thinking. Our program this year circles around the story of Moses and what he did to deliver his people out of slavery in Egypt. The kids are learning the story through various departments throughout the VBS experience but the "Drive In" part, in which I am running, is a time when the kids get to watch scenes from The Prince of Egypt. The way our VBS program is scheduled gives me 4 opportunities to see the same scenes from the movie, and needless to say, I've committed a lot of it to memory.

But what got me thinking yesterday as I was watching was the topic of slavery itself. And what started with the story of slavery in Moses' story led me on a journey that really got me thinking. Here's what that looks like...

Moses was called by God to free his people from slavery.

Jesus came to die for our sins and set us free from our slavery.

We are called to reach the lost and try to introduce them to Jesus so that they can be set free from their slavery through Him.

Okay, hold up. You mean that we are called to set people free from slavery like Moses did?

That's exactly what I'm saying! Although we can't truly deliver the lost from their slavery to sin we are called to reach out to them and introduce them to the one who can deliver them, Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that Jesus taught in Matthew 4:19 that we are to become "fishers of men".

It is amazing how God can speak to us and show us new insights. Even if it is just simply by volunteering to run the tech department for VBS!


  1. Pretty cool! And true - we are just like Moses - all we can do it LEAD people to Jesus - let Jesus do the rest!!!

    Oh - that we would have the faith that Moses did to take such bold steps!

  2. Thanks for being the tech-dude last week!
